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At the beginning of the new year, the company held a red tour

At the beginning of the new year of 2020, Anhui Xunbo Intelligent Technology colleagues held a red tour .


first Come to the Jiangbei Headquarters of the New Fourth Army in Lujiang County, pay homage to the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs, recall the heroic and tenacious fighting deeds of the older generation of heroes, such as Ye Ting, Xiang Ying, Luo Binghui, Deng Zihui, strengthen the education of revolutionary traditions, enhance patriotic feelings, absorb knowledge, shock the heart, inspire the spirit and enlighten the mind, and deeply feel that today's happy life is hard won, It was the blood of our revolutionary martyrs. Always remember the revolutionary heroes, never forget the original intention, and forge ahead. We are grateful to our ancestors for their efforts.

Paying homage to the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs after . In order to play more vigorously, we must first greet us "Five Zang Temple" . The company arranged a sumptuous lunch .

After eating and drinking enough . Here In the cold season, we desperately need warm comfort. In addition to bedding, hot springs are comfortable, We came to the Golden Peacock Hot Spring Resort . Hot spring is a natural resource. Its special water quality is used for health care. Various minerals in hot spring have different functions and effects. Generally speaking, the hot spring bath can stimulate the parasympathetic nerve, relax the muscles and joints, produce a sedative effect, and can relax our tense nerves. The hot spring takes away the tiredness and relaxes our body and mind

Get rid of tiredness, It also announces the beginning of the new year. In the new year, everyone Simboming Our partners should also work harder and achieve better results. In the new year, I wish you all a happy New Year, The whole family is happy and healthy

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