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Anhui: Create "Standard+Characteristic" Governmental Affairs Open Zone

Anhui: Building "Standards+Features" Government Affairs Open Zone

Since the pilot project of standardization and standardization of grassroots government affairs has been launched, Anhui With the masses Guided by the "offline" demand, we will innovate the way of government affairs openness, create a "standard+feature" government affairs openness zone, help grass-roots management services, and improve people's satisfaction and happiness. Anhui Xunbo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has made contributions to the government affairs open zone.

explore Special area construction standard with "six norms" as the content The standard is to standardize the signs of the "special area for opening government affairs" and arrange them in a prominent position in the special area; Standardize the "4+N" homepage navigation of electronic newspaper reading screen; Standardize the provision of on-site applications for government information disclosure, "online applications" and other services according to the application open acceptance, open guidelines, templates, and flow charts; Standardize the configuration of self-service area, electronic newspaper reading screen, "service guide code" and other facilities in the special area, and provide free printing and copying services; Standardize the disclosure of physical data, and provide policy data services such as the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information, the government information disclosure system, the government service guide, policy compilation, municipal people's government bulletin, party newspaper and party journal; Standardize the smiling service of consultation (guidance), set up a consultation (guidance) desk, equip full-time guides and assistants, and provide guidance, consultation, complaints, handling and other services.

innovate Special zone construction characteristics based on the model of "open government affairs+" . application In the mode of "open government affairs+global tourism", the Culture and Tourism Bureau and all villages and towns (streets) make use of the electronic newspaper reading screen, government and people to people TV, bulletin board, WeChat public account and other platform media in the special area of open government affairs to publicize the relevant policy documents of tourism industry and promote Ningguo tourism through chart interpretation, album publicity, audio and video push and other forms, We will encourage rural farmers to participate in economic organizations and autonomous organizations such as rural tourism cooperatives and rural household music associations, so as to increase farmers' income and help rural revitalization.

The government affairs publicity zone intensively and standardizes the publicity of government information, combining The characteristic mode of "open government affairs+" has effectively improved the level of government information serving the people, and has effectively built a platform for communication and interaction between the masses of enterprises and the government. Anhui Through the electronic newspaper reading screen "Government and people to people" TV, special area suggestion box, etc., made full text public and solicited opinions on more than ten major government and department decisions, and deeply publicized the measures and results, enhancing the participation and satisfaction of enterprise masses.

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