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The opening ceremony of the first batch of talent training projects (Hefei) of Anhui Science and Technology Innovation Special Board and the Summit Forum on the Future of Science and Technology Innovation were successfully held

On May 24, the opening ceremony of the first batch of talent training projects (Hefei) of Anhui Science and Technology Innovation Special Board and the Summit Forum on the Future of Scientific and Technological Innovation hosted by Anhui Equity Trusteeship Trading Center were grandly held in Hefei Fengda International Hotel. Chen Hongbing, Head of the Capital Market Division of Anhui Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, Liu Zicheng, Head of the Comprehensive Business Supervision Division of Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau, Zhang Yizhang, Deputy Director of Hefei Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, Sun Fanggang, General Manager of the Provincial Stock Exchange Center and other leaders attended the opening ceremony. Hou Yunchun, member of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, former vice director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, president of the China Enterprise Evaluation Association, Zhao Han, member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, former vice chairman of the CPPCC Anhui Provincial Committee, chairman of the 9th Committee of the Anhui Association for Science and Technology, Wang Chen, assistant president of Guoyuan Securities, general manager of the investment banking department, and other distinguished guests were invited to the summit forum, Thematic lectures were held for the first batch of more than 300 Hefei listed enterprises on the Anhui Science and Technology Innovation Panel. Scientific innovation board consultation: 0551-65300518

school's opening ceremony
The first batch of science and innovation talent training project was officially launched, and the Great Lakes city took the lead in opening school
The "Innovation Highland of the Great Lakes City" has always been a shining card of Hefei. As the provincial capital, Hefei has always been committed to building an innovation city with international influence. Since this year, in order to seize the strategic opportunity for the country to set up a science and technology innovation board and pilot the registration system, Hefei has made every effort to promote the listing of science and technology innovation enterprises in the start-up and growth stages in the provincial stock exchange center. On April 24, at the opening ceremony of Anhui Science and Technology Innovation Special Board and the centralized listing ceremony, the number of listed enterprises in Hefei reached 339, accounting for more than 40% of the province, ranking first in the province, playing a leading role in promoting the listing of science and technology innovation enterprises. The first batch of science and innovation talent training projects, taking Hefei as the starting point, gradually radiate across the province. Through expert teaching, systematic training and resource introduction, they are designed to help entrepreneurs strengthen the concept of modern enterprise management, become familiar with the business rules of the capital market, and lead the rapid and healthy growth of enterprises.
At the opening ceremony, Chen Hongbing, director of the Capital Market Department of the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Zhang Yizhang, deputy director of the Hefei Local Financial Supervision Bureau, and Sun Fanggang, general manager of the Provincial Stock Exchange Center delivered speeches respectively. Director Chen Hongbing first explained the work deployment of the provincial government on the construction of the science and technology innovation board in Anhui. He pointed out that the current construction of the science and technology innovation board has entered the normal working stage. On the basis of the steady construction of the science and technology innovation board, it is necessary to improve the mechanism of coordinated development of government, banks and enterprises, and clarify the orientation of the innovation service development of the science and technology innovation board. Deputy Director Zhang Yizhang fully affirmed the work of the provincial stock exchange center in the early stage of building a science and innovation board and organizing the "climbing project of enterprises listed on the science and innovation board", and proposed that Hefei science and innovation board enterprises can actively participate in the activities of the provincial stock exchange center, and make full use of the financing and cultivation functions of the regional equity market platform, Help enterprises develop. In his speech, General Manager Sun Fanggang welcomed the leaders and guests attending the event. He briefly introduced the business development of the Center and the work of building a special board for science and innovation, and stressed that the Stock Exchange Center will continue to promote a series of activities such as corporate executive training, corporate brand publicity, investment and financing roadshows, capital matching meetings, financial product promotion meetings, etc, Provide incubation and cultivation services with regional equity market characteristics for enterprises listed on the science and innovation special board. After the ceremony, leaders, guests and students took group photos, marking the official launch of the first batch of talent training projects of Anhui Science and Technology Innovation Special Board.
Comprehending the future road of scientific and technological innovation enterprises from the frontier of scientific and technological innovation, macro-economy to the capital market operation of scientific and technological innovation enterprises
After the opening ceremony, Zhao Han, member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, former vice chairman of the Anhui Provincial CPPCC, chairman of the 9th Committee of the Anhui Provincial Association for Science and Technology, Hou Yunchun, member of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, and president of the China Enterprise Appraisal Association, Wang Chen, assistant general manager of Guoyuan Securities and general manager of the Investment Banking Department, gave lectures to the students. Chairman Zhao Han reviewed the development of China's manufacturing industry comprehensively under the title of "Sharing the Frontier of Scientific and Technological Innovation", and described several development directions of current cutting-edge science and technology with the focus on intelligent manufacturing. In the afternoon of the same day, Hou Yunchun, Deputy Director, made a wonderful report entitled "Macroeconomic Analysis in 2019". He first analyzed the trend of China's economic development, and made a judgment on the overall situation of China's overall stability and the greater downward pressure on the world economy. He pointed out that whether China's economy can continue to develop well and high-quality depends on the practical promotion of supply side structural reform. Later, Wang Chen, as one of the first batch of sponsors who registered and had many IPO projects nationwide, interpreted the "current development situation of China's multi-level capital market and the operation path of the capital market of science and innovation enterprises" from an authoritative perspective. He introduced the multi-level capital market from the New Third Board, IPO and Shanghai Stock Exchange's Science and Technology Innovation Board, and analyzed three typical IPO cases that he personally participated in, After that, it gave suggestions for enterprise students to move towards the capital market. The teaching contents of the three authoritative experts covered such fields as macro-economy, scientific and technological innovation and capital market, which were unanimously appreciated by the students.

Climbing works
Embrace capital, take the road of brand operation and capitalization operation, and climb the peak of capital market
In order to implement the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to build a high-tech innovation board with high standards, give full play to the professional service capacity of the regional equity market, integrate relevant resources, help listed enterprises on the science and technology innovation board to improve their standard level, and form a working pattern of sustainable echelon promotion of the listing of Anhui science and technology innovation enterprises, the provincial stock exchange center, after six months of research and planning, has created a "climbing project of science and technology innovation board", For the enterprises listed on the sci-tech innovation board, the three major services of "sci-tech innovation financial project", "sci-tech innovation talent training project" and "sci-tech innovation brand project" are organized and implemented to help the sci-tech innovation board enterprises broaden their investment and financing channels, improve their business management level, enhance their brand influence, and promote the "golden finger plan" for high-quality backup enterprises to build a reserve team for listing on the sci-tech innovation board.
Since the opening day, the series of climbing engineering services are being orderly promoted. At present, the Center has launched five exclusive financing services in cooperation with banks and guarantee institutions, and has lent and extended credit of nearly 27 million yuan to 15 enterprises; Jointly held a Hefei special financing matchmaking meeting with the provincial science and technology financing guarantee company, and invited 10 banks, small loan or guarantee institutions, such as ICBC, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Huishang Bank, to carry out financing matchmaking with enterprises on the science and technology innovation board; We organized 7 science and technology innovation enterprises to enter the provincial radio station to participate in the recording of the program "Entering the Listed Enterprise" to promote the brand of science and technology innovation enterprises. Next, the center will continue to promote a series of activities such as corporate executive training, corporate brand publicity, investment and financing roadshows, capital matchmaking meetings, and financial product promotion meetings, so as to open up financing channels for enterprises listed on the provincial sci-tech innovation board and inject a steady stream of "capital power" to accelerate their development and growth.
Anhui Science and Technology Innovation Board Consulting: 18755150022 (WeChat synchronization) QQ: 2881391787
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